My days have turned into my nights which have turned into my days. Mckenna is starting to hit the early stages of terrible twos and it makes for quite an interesting day. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I yell and sometimes I just give up. She is great with her sister though and just loves staring at her and stroking her head.
Caili is doing well and is in a growth spurt right now. Not sleeping as much as I would like during the day but sleeps amazing at night. I can't wait to see how much she has grown at her next appt in two weeks. She is a piggy and just loves mama's milk!
Our house is almost done being ready to jack up and as soon as that's done we can get the new windows put in. How exciting. It was really cold on Sunday morning and it was great to have Ry not have to work under the house until the afternoon so we had a fire and relaxed as a family inside. Haven't really had too much time to do that lately, so it was very nice.
My brother Dave and I took the kids to the park this week and Mckenna just loved the swings and the slides. It was great to see her burn some of that energy off so she would have a long nap. She loves the outdoors so much. Her favorite thing to do right now is walk around the property and pick up things to put into her little pails (She has 6 of them) She also loves the frogs in our pond and watches them hop in and out of the water.
Fall is quickly approaching and I am excited to watch everything change around us as we have such a beautiful forest behind us and so many surrounding the house.
Here are some recent photos.....Mckenna on one of our walks and at the park and also Caili in her first dress.
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