Man, it is hot today...and Mckenna and I are really feeling it. I took her outside tonight to play in her 'pool' and splash around to burn some energy off before bed. She really loves the water and doesn't even mind how cold the tap water is out of the hose. She found out tonight that she can drink from the hose, push her friend Jada on her Dora car, and spray T.J the cat with the water. She was so funny and it really burnt her out. By 7pm she could barely walk anymore and was dying to go inside to bed. Yes, I am lucky enough that when asked if it's night night time, she will enthusiastically shake her head yes.
Our packing has begun as has my sleepless nights of organizing everything in my head. It is so real now and I am finding it harder to know that at the end of the month, this will no longer be our home. I am really dreading that day, but have decided that tomorrow I am going to film the house so that Mckenna knows where she first lived and had many of her 'firsts' in her life. It will be a sad day for me as we have truly made this our home and filled it with many wonderful memories. I know our new house will have even more, but it is amazing to think back 5 years ago and how far we have come already. I better stop....the lump in my throat is forming again.
Enjoy the photos and video. The pictures of Mckenna with her new bikini on is from tonight and the rest are from the last couple weeks.
Link to video:¤t=100_3092.flv
1 comment:
SO CUTE! Hold onto that white bonnet... it will be adorable for pics! She is just so beautiful...
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