What can I say except it has been a whirlwind of a week.
Mothers Day was great and we spent it out at Dave and Sara's house on the lake. We had people come through our house at 10:30am so Ryan took me out for breakfast since he couldn't make it and mess up the kitchen. We thought it was just another uneventful showing, but low in behold, they put an offer in 4 hours later!! I was elated, but holding my breath. They came in low, we countered to what we wanted and they accepted 2 days later. Only financing and house inspection were the conditions, so once again we were worried about the financing thing as the last offer didn't go through because of that.
On Monday I had my ultrasound at the Dr.'s office trying to find out what the sex of the baby is. It took forever and the Dr. said I'd have to try again next time because the baby wasn't co-operating (go figure, it does have Ryan's genes) but he said it was 'pissing' him off that he couldn't determine the sex (Yes, he literally used that word, I guess he's comfortable with me!) So he kept poking my belly and making me roll from side to side and finally the shot came at the very end and I am SSOOOOO excited to say that we are having another GIRL!!! I thought I wanted a boy at first, but since they are so close in age, I really wanted another girl. The fact that I already had all the clothes and it would save us so much money had absolutely nothing to do with it!! ;) He is about 90% sure and putting that with my ultrasound at 18 weeks when the tech thought it was probably a girl, I'm guessing it's a girl. But we could still have a surprise on delivery day.
So we had the house inspection on Thursday, went great, no problems and the their financing went through on Thursday night and we got all the conditions removed, so our house was officially SOLD!! So why didn't I feel relieved? I think all the stress and exhaustion caught up to me that night and just overwhelmed me. I was running on empty for so long just going with the flow to get our house sold, that when it was finally done, my body and mind just gave in. Literally collapsed. We had our financing approved Friday and removed the conditions for our lake house and now it is officially ours!! What an amazing feeling.
We took my mom and dad out there today to see it and meet the people. They are a wonderful couple and I fell in love with the house even more. So much more I noticed this time and she showed me all the hidden storage ( A girls best friend!)
So the pics are of mothers day and I've included a couple links.... One to the new house and one to a video of Mckenna on mothers day and one of her playing outside in my makeshift pool. She had a blast.