Wow, what a ride it was, but I would do it again in a minute. Caili arrived last Saturday August 11th at 7:12pm after a quick hour and a half labor. It was amazing and a completely different experience than with Mckenna as I went natural and felt every last minute of her delivery. She looks quite different than Mckenna, though still has some of her features like the big eyes and little dimples. Mckenna only has one, and Caili has two.
I couldn't believe how quick it went and when it was done, I knew why she had waited all week to arrive. She wanted to be sure we were all prepared for her beauty and cuteness.
She is a great eater and sleeper. She will feed on and off for an hour or so, falling asleep for minutes at a time then remembering that there is plenty of milk for her, she'll awake looking for more before drifting off to her big sleep. Usually 4 hours at a time. Last night she slept from 11:15 pm till 4:10am. I felt great when I got up to feed her. Even made Ryan coffee and packed his lunch before heading back to bed for another 3 hours.
Mckenna is doing absolutely amazing with her new sister and just adores her. We have adjusted our bedtime routine to include Mckenna, Caili and I rocking in the rocker before putting Mckenna down for the night. She loves it and cuddles into Caili like it's her doll.
Ryan is amazing and has really shown his adaptability to new situations over the past week. He has really taken to having his two girls and is great with helping me out.
I've included some photos of us, there will be more!!
Take care and enjoy.